Baby Boomers®…..Digital Transformation
Silver Café Insurance LLC provides an expanding marketplace platform that serves today’s “Baby Boomers®” demographic well into the future. Brand recognition and personal identity with the brand will provide Baby Boomers® with the insurance products and ancillary resources they need to live happy, healthy, and fulfilled lives for years to come.
What is Silver Café Insurance LLC?
First established in 2005, Silver Café Insurance LLc, is designed to be a corporate umbrella for several “Baby Boomer® ” health insurance-oriented brand names offered to the “Silver Generation”….aka “Baby Boomers®”
We offer an extensive, unique collection of highly effective brands, taglines, and trademarks that serve to build an identity with the “Baby Boomers®” demographic, generate sales leads for potential enrollments, and create a reason for the customer to return.
Silver Café Insurance LLc Digital Transformation 2024
The Brand NAMES Todays “Baby Boomers®” Trust
“A non-governmental entity that does not represent Medicare or the Federal Government”
Baby Boomers® need guidance and help to solve the healthcare insurance puzzle. The brand name “Doctor Medicare“ creates a distinctive brand name that is not easily forgotten or easily confused with other competitors.
Accessible healthcare plan choices and options available
to the Baby Boomers® demographic.
Silver American brand helps bring identity to the “Baby
Boomers®” demographic under a different brand name.
Designed to be a “non-governmental entity that does not
represent Medicare or the Federal Government”, but still
gives the “Baby Boomers®” demographic access to ancillary healthcare resources ie: lifestyle choices, Veterans news briefs, discount savings on daily non-medical supplies, travel opportunities and a host of additional relevant topics of interest to the “Baby Boomers®” demographic.
Silver Generations® provides the ancillary product of life insurance to today’s Baby Boomers®. The goal is to help this demographic prepare for end of life expenses, safeguard their assets, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
“A non-governmental entity that does not represent Medicare or the Federal Government”
As the Hispanic/Latino population in the United States
continues to grow and expand into the healthcare sector,
more of this “Baby Boomers®” demographic will need help with their choices and options. The brand name..”El
Medico Medicare®” provides an identity to this growing
Download the “Doctor Medicare” iPhone app
Doctor Medicare App by Silver Café Insurance LLC is the ultimate handheld solution for the “Baby Boomers®” health insurance customer. They can search for their individual “Baby Boomers®” healthcare insurance solutions, prescription drug plan enrollment, dental insurance, travel medical insurance, and additional ancillary insurance products of interest.
Our user-friendly Doctor Medicare App will make it easy to get pertinent “Baby Boomers®” healthcare guidance, select the healthcare plan of choice, and have the satisfaction and trust they need to feel confident about enrolling in the healthcare plan of their choice via the Doctor Medicare App.
For illustration purposes only, not a functioning component or downloadable iPhone app
Building Better Brand Recognition for Our Customers
There are over 71.6 million Baby Boomers®, nearly 10,000 turning 65 years old each day. At Silver Café Insurance LLC, we are in the business of serving this “Silver Generation®” to help them make the choices that benefit their lives and lifestyles.
Our various branded assets speak to the unique needs, wants, and values of today’s Baby Boomers®. We’re dedicated to serving our customers and empowering them to make the right choices for themselves and their families.
The marketplace is not saturated, it simply needs more identity-based marketing applied to the message. This is how we help our customers find the products and services they’re looking for.
Speaking to the Potential of Baby Boomers®
– the Silver Generation® –
Silver Cafe Insurance LLC works to provide our customers with the products, services, and resources they need so they can make the right choices for their present lifestyle. Targeting this Baby Boomers® market has resulted in an array of lucrative opportunities—driving massive ROI, conversions, and sales metrics for our brands. Silver Café Insurance LLC provides the potential for both customer acquisition and future growth through scalability in all 50 states.
Trademarks and Taglines
Silver Café®
Silver American®
Silver Generations®
Baby Boomers®
Doctor Medicare®
Medicare World News Alert®
El Medico Medicare®
Destination for the Silver Generation®
Don’t Miss Your Medicare Enrollment Deadline!!!®
Let Me...Help You...Solve The Medicare Insurance Puzzle!®
Life Insurance ...Something You Can't Buy When You Really Need It!!!®
Contact Us for More Information
Contact Silver Café Insurance LLC for more information concerning your desire to move forward with a partnership or ownership opportunities.